We are Handbags & Gladrags, an on-trend fashion retailer located in Sandbach, Cheshire. We strive to provide our customers with the latest fashion styles with an attractive price tag and personal customer service, stocking sizes 8-22.
The clothing in which we stock features beautiful materials such as Linen, Cotton and Silk, making all of our brands a very high quality that washes and wears perfectly. 
For over 10 years, we have aimed to bring unique, stylish and affordable products, straight onto your local highstreet. Our new aim is to advance online so that our lovely customers can shop from straight from their sofas! 
We ensure that all of our customers are satisfied, happy and confident with what they wear.
So put your feet up, pour a glass of wine and enjoy browsing our online boutique.
Tel: 01270766729
Shop: 9A High Street, Sandbach, CW11 1AH